Warning...Positive Person are welcome to Yang's Blog. . Lets chat or listen music for a while before you leave. =D

Saturday, October 10, 2009

♥ Graduation - Part 2 Celebration

after graduation we have go to pavilion for lunch

but i have to go pandah indah a while for something

im so lucky bcoz i meet them in LRT

i was tot im late

7 ppl , 5 of us was change to formal clothes

not including our boss-meo and his assistant - theng XD

Sakae Sushi

let photo be the story


wow, funny XD

looking at?

a plate sushi

when we shopping at sgwang

] saw KeQing thr [

] Andrew chen [

♥ Graduation Day~ Yiipi - Part 1





早上又睡迟 好丢脸啊

还好答应载bobo 没迟到 =p

我平时很慢的 今天用5分钟罢了


到了那里登记名字 上去排队 等下去坐

然后等那个selangor的 boss来

唱歌skip 听他们讲skip 马来人念经听到睡觉 XD




5 Science Alpha & 5 Science Beta

] Our gang [

Mr. Willem and Ms. Bobo

Mr. Willem & Ms. Crystal

Ms. Petty & Mr. Willem

Me & Ms. Elaine

Mr. Willem and Ms. Js

Mr. Willem & Ms. siew choo

Ms. Yuki and Mr. Willem

我 佩仪 副校长 慧欣
这些照片在我要回时才发现 ==
她们一早就跟我说了 有我照片在摆着
我就以为她们在玩 没理会~
后来走去看下咯 有照片放着
这个真的是我哦 干嘛酱多人偏偏选我的

差不多11点多回家 威麒是第二个上我车滴 ^^

然后哦 隔壁突然有辆车停着 == 阿辉来的
干嘛 我真的酱好看么? XD